Dental surgery is a specialized form of dentistry that involves precision, expertise, and efficiency. Dentists use dental surgery instruments to perform complex procedures with accuracy. Dental surgery tools are important in achieving ideal outcomes in procedures ranging from routine extractions to complex implant placements. Commonly used dental surgery instruments:
Scalpels and blades
Scalpels and blades are used during dental procedures to make clean and precise incisions. They are available in different shapes and sizes for different surgeries. Curved blades are used for soft tissue surgeries, and straight blades are used for general purposes.
Surgical scissors
After surgery, soft tissues are cut with surgical scissors, or sutures are trimmed. Because their sharp, fine blades cause minor tissue damage, they increase the accuracy of the procedure.
Retractors and Depressors
Retractors maintain visibility and protect the surrounding tissues during a procedure, while tongue depressors keep the tongue away from the surgical site.Elevators
Elevators are essential instruments for dental surgeries. They are used to loosen teeth from the site or separate them from the surrounding gum and bone. Elevators are also available in different types, such as periosteal elevators, which are specially designed to lift the flap of the gum during dental procedures.
The most common surgical tool is the forceps. In dental surgery, extraction forceps are meant to be used to extract teeth. They come in different sizes and shapes to fit different types of teeth and positions in the mouth.
Bone chisel and files
These instruments are important for reshaping or removing bones during dental surgery. Bone files smooth the jagged edges of the tooth to prepare the site for implants or dentures, while bone chisels provide precision and accuracy.
Dental drills
Dental drills are used to cut through the enamel or bone. They are used for complex procedures like root canals or implant placements.
Suction devices
Suction devices are used to maintain a sterile and clean oral cavity. Suction tips help remove debris and extra fluid from the mouth.
Irrigation Syringes
Irrigation syringes are designed to deliver sterile solutions to clean the surgical site to prevent infections.
Instruments for Oral Hygiene
Apart from dental surgery, specific instruments are also used to maintain cleanliness within the oral cavity. These instruments are part of dental kits for cleaning teeth to prevent decaying and complicated gum diseases. Tools within the dental kits include:- Dental pick: A sharp instrument used to scrape away blocks from the surfaces of the teeth and in between them.
- Plaque remover: An instrument designed to remove the buildup of soft and hard plaque from the teeth.
- Straight tweezers: These tweezers are straight-handled and are used to pick or grip small objects during the procedures. Dental tweezers are precision tools with serrated tips designed to handle intricate dental materials and small objects within the oral cavity.
- Mouth mirror: A small round mirror with a handle is used to inspect and assess hard-to-reach sites in the oral cavity.